cognitive cybersecurity intelligence

News and Analysis


Video: Threat Analysis Stories | Identifying Exploitations of the Ivanti Vulnerability

Hey Bay Area friends, hope you’re enjoying those sourdough rounds and doing your part to keep our dear city on the cutting edge of technology. Today, we’re sounding the gong on a couple of key cybersecurity subjects that are making headlines in both the healthcare and security world. Now, don’t worry, there’s no reason to panic. We just think you’ll want to know about this, especially if your organization thrives on tech.

You’ve probably heard of Ivanti, right? Well, in 2024, they spilled the beans on two critical vulnerabilities they found in their software. They’re known on the geeky block as CVE-2023-46805 and CVE-2024-21887. Yup, sounds like a couple of R2-D2’s cousins, right? Nonetheless, these issues could potentially allow cyber creeps to carry out funky codes on your targeted gateways. Scary, I know.

Naturally, this requires a superhero to swoop in and save the day. And that’s where our friends at Darktrace come in. They’ve got this pretty rad setup where Artificial Intelligence (that’s AI for the tech savvy among us) pairs up with cybersecurity to essentially play watchdog on affected devices. It’s like having your very own RoboCop on guard 24/7!

Using this innovative combination, Darktrace can spot telltale signs of harmful activities like command-and-control (or C2) communication, network scanning, data exfiltration—you know, the kind of sneaky stuff that involves swiping your data—and the downloading of questionable files. Basically, if something’s adrift, Darktrace sniffs it out.

But here comes the best part: Darktrace is not some giant, all-seeing eye that doesn’t know your business. It’s the total opposite. They get to know your organization, how it tick-tocks, what makes it unique. They then use this understanding to spot anomalies in your workflow. This exceptional attention to detail means Darktrace can detect and prevent the exploitation of these Ivanti vulnerabilities, making you that much safer online.

Now, isn’t that a load-off? Knowing there’s a trusted entity out there watching over your cybersecurity health so you can focus more on what you do best. Whether that’s revolutionizing healthcare, coding the next best mobile app, or, like me, sipping on a hot cup of Philz coffee while you soak in the beautiful Bay Area skyline.

And if you think about it, the synergy between AI and cybersecurity is kind of like us and our unique city – us, the diverse crowd striving for success, and the city, ever dynamic, always supporting. It provides a layer of protection we can all appreciate, especially in our tech-driven world.

Thanks for hanging out here in this tech chat today, my amazing Bay Area buddies. Here’s to safer cyber streets, remaining strong, and always keeping our city ahead of the curve, just like we know how to do it best! Stay excited about the future, and most importantly, stay safe out there.

by Morgan Phisher | HEAL Security

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