HEAL Security Vitals


HEAL Security Vitals

Launch HEAL Security Vulnerability Intelligence Threat Awareness Live (Vitals) on your computer or screen. Experience unparalleled efficiency and clarity with your critical cybersecurity information seamlessly integrated onto one screen.

Cybersecurity operations dashboard

Stay informed with real-time cybersecurity headlines. Our curated feed keeps you updated on the latest threats, vulnerabilities, and industry-specific news, allowing you to proactively respond to potential risks.

Healthcare Cybersecurity

Heat map of data breaches reported to OCR

Visualize the geographical impact of data breaches with our interactive heat map. Understand regional patterns to enhance your cybersecurity strategy and allocate resources effectively where they are 
needed most.

Predict trends

Anticipate and address threats by 
analyzing trends that showcase the 
Common Weakness Enumerations (CWEs) most commonly linked to new Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs). 
Stay one step ahead of cybercriminals 
with actionable insights into potential 
attack vectors.

Get started with HEAL Security™ for free.

Join now to unlock valuable cybersecurity resources and be part of a passionate community dedicated to safeguarding patient information and securing electronic health records.