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Stop Scams Podcast: Understanding Why Scammers Search Your Trash for Your Phone Bill

Hey there, Bay Area folks! Imagine this situation: You get your phone bill, quickly scan over the numbers, and then casually throw it in the trash bin. It seems pretty harmless, right? Well, as it turns out, it’s not as safe as you might think. This simple action of improperly disposing of a document like your phone bill can unintentionally expose your full name, address, and contact number. These bits of information can be a gold mine for those sneaky scammers looking for their next targets. According to Willis Lim, who leads a Cybersecurity Research Division over in Singapore, this is just one of the ways scammers seek out potential victims.

During a recent podcast, Willis shared that his mom unknowingly put his own personal info at risk by casually tossing out his phone bill without first omitting the essential info. She didn’t consider that someone could retrieve it and misuse it. Talk about a wake-up call!

Sadly, this is not the only way scammers are able to snag your personal details. Other rich sources of data come from data breaches and the info that people willingly post online. Willis touched on the unsettling truth — the more info these sneaky scammers glean about you, the more convincingly they can carry out their tricks. It’s their way of digging deep, piecing together a pretty good picture of who you are, and figuring out the best way to target you.

One growing trend that Willis drew attention to was something called tech support scams, which have been making quite the comeback recently. Sounds scary, right? Well here’s how it works: the scammer pretends to work for an internet service provider and offers to fix your Wi-Fi network issues. Under the guise of help, they get into your computer remotely to gain access to your bank accounts. And if that wasn’t bad enough, these scammers are not afraid to get intimidating. They can threaten to lock you out of your computer, leak stolen information, or even delete important programs until the victim pays up.

Like any good discussion about problems, Willis also offered some solutions. If you’ve fallen prey to one of these tech support scams, resetting your devices to factory settings can help remove any pesky spyware or malware programs the scammer may have secretly installed. Of course, prevention is the best cure. Setting strong, unique passwords is a solid step in safeguarding your accounts. Hey, you could even use some local lingo or unique phrases to make those passwords harder to crack yet easy for you to remember.

Ultimately, being cautious in today’s digitally-driven world has become essential to keep your personal information safe. Before that, who knew something as simple as tossing out your phone bill could potentially open a Pandora’s box of problems? Be vigilant, do your bit to protect your info, and be sure to spread the word to keep your loved ones safe from these cyber threats, too!

by Morgan Phisher | HEAL Security

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