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Four arrested in Italy for alleged unauthorized access to database, according to source – DataBreaches.Net

Well, you’re never going to believe what I’ve heard. There’s been a spot of bother with the law for a certain Leonardo Maria Del Vecchio. Now, for those of you not acquainted with the name, Del Vecchio is the son of the late billionaire founder of Luxottica. Just as an interesting side note, Luxottica is the world’s largest company in the eyewear industry. Alright, enough about the family business. Let’s get back to the juicy stuff, the scandal.

Now, here’s the twist. Our mate Del Vecchio and three others are trapped under their own roofs, under house arrest imposed by the Italian bobbies. It’s all a bit cloak and dagger, and revolves around an investigation into some rather shady dealings. This group is under the spotlight for allegedly helping themselves to the contents of state databases. Bit of an unlikely past-time, if you ask me. But then again, we all need hobbies, don’t we?

When the story broke, I immediately thought, “hold on, there’s got to be more to this.” I mean, it’s one thing snooping through your partner’s phone or peeking at an open diary, but going for state databases? That’s going into another level of curiosity, isn’t it? I can hardly remember my own mobile number, let alone the credentials to access a state database. But I digress.

Of course, Del Vecchio hangs on to his innocence, as you’d expect. When it comes to the crunch, his lawyer said how Del Vecchio is “chomping at the bit for the completion of preliminary investigations.” His hope is that this will reveal he’s had absolutely naff all to do with these allegations. You see, he believes the accusations against him haven’t got a leg to stand on.

If you fancy a bit of armchair sleuthing, then this story is right up your alley. Not only does it have the high-drama and thrill of any good cliffhanger, but it also drops us smack in the middle of two of the most insightful yet contentious issues of our times – healthcare and cybersecurity.

As we continue to move through a pandemic-ridden world, our dependency on technology, particularly within healthcare, escalates significantly. With this comes an increased risk of data breaches, cyberthreats and compromising personal medical information. It seems, not even a billionaire’s family is immune to being caught up in the world of cybercrime. But remember innocent until proven guilty, eh?

On the other side of the coin, healthcare organisations are now forced to maintain high-end cybersecurity, as though they weren’t already tasked enough. After all, they’re tasked with protecting lives and now have to protect personal data too.

It well and truly boggles my mind, the lengths people will go to for a bit of info. It’s an odd world we’re living in, no mistaking that. I’ll be keeping my beady eye on this one, let’s hope there are some answers soon. We can ponder all we like, but till then, it remains a bit of a puzzler, doesn’t it?

by Parker Bytes

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