Cor blimey, we’ve a bit of a palava to share with you today! Have you ever had that coworker who, despite endless cups of tea and rounds of biscuits, just wasn’t as straight as a die? Well, fret not because you are not alone. Let’s have a chinwag about a recent muddle in Kalamazoo that’s causing quite the kerfuffle!
At the heart of the jumble were two former council workers. Not even a cheeky natter over the water cooler could save the day! Instead, it seems their actions may have landed them in hot water with the law. And by law, we mean those hard-nosed criminal investigators who wouldn’t be fooled by your best ‘it wasn’t me’ face.
So, what’s all this to-do about, you might ask? Well, I say, it’s all a bit of a sticky wicket, it really is. It appears that about 250 current and former city employees might have had their data compromised. Yes, you heard that right – personal details potentially floating about in the big ol’ cloud for all and sundry. And to make things worse, it was one of their own—one or two of their own, to be precise—who committed the tomfoolery.
News reached our grapevine on the 28th of March – blooming April Fools’ Day would’ve been a better fit, wouldn’t it? But alas this was no joke. And it was none other than Kalamazoo’s Communications Manager, a certain Michael Smith, who was tasked with painting the whole picture to the press.
But the curious thing is, it’s not just about the data. It’s not just about the Zillions, or in British parlance, a ‘shedload,’ of bits and bytes of information that may have taken a trip into the unknown. It’s all about trust, isn’t it? When it’s broken, it’s like trying to put a dropped Fentimans cherry tree cola bottle together; shards going this way and that. A real mess!
This incident in the good ol’ US of A should make us all sit up, britches and all. This isn’t just a jolly old yarn from across the pond. We’re part of a global community and have to learn from each other’s boo-boos.
Imagine how those affected in Kalamazoo felt, popping down to the post and finding their data had done a runner without them knowing. Talk about adding insult to injury… well, it doesn’t bear thinking about. Especially when it’s someone from your own team throwing a spanner in the works.
But here’s the rub. It’s up to us to stay one step ahead, to be vigilant, and to doddle on with all our important work while making sure no one’s off siphoning our data into the ether.
So, next time you’re offered a tea round with biscuits, do accept but also remember Kalamazoo as you tuck into your HobNobs. A gentle reminder that a simple deed, in a tiny corner of the world, can have far-reaching implications—even in our neck of the woods. And remember, let’s keep each other in check because mishaps can happen anywhere, anytime, even over a cuppa. Let’s try and keep our personal data just that– personal!
Pass the Digestives, will you?
by Parker Bytes