Hey there, Bay Area! Let’s chat about some startling cyber threats hitting our friends in Vietnam. Reported by their National Cyber Security Center, the stats we’ll discuss can teach us a lot about how to protect our own digital health and cybersecurity interests a little closer to home.
July 2024 saw a significant volume of cyber threats, topping off at 3252. It’s generally associated with flaws in system security that can be exploited, and these have been fluctuating over the past few months for Vietnam. One takeaway is that routine monitoring of these loopholes can alert us when trouble might be brewing.
And as for phishing attacks? In July, 398 were reported. While this seems a tad fewer than the June count, don’t be misled. The breadth of these scams is what struck me: everything from faux ecommerce websites to fraudulent social media accounts and even a fake World Bank site. A true reminder of how cautious we need to be online!
Zombie computers — computers controlled by malware to perform malicious activities — handled by criminal hands also rose slightly that month in Vietnam, to 40,488. The constant challenge here is, of course, to continue updating and safeguarding our systems from these infiltrations. Keeping both our software and hardware up to date is critical.
Speaking of these zombie computers, ever heard of “botnets”? An aptly named army of these, botnets were identified in Vietnam to the tune of 80. And surprise, surprise — many seemed linked to Russia. Looks like international digital tension isn’t limited to elections.
Malware, relatedly, was identified in 59 cases that month, though specifics weren’t given. I always remind my friends in the healthcare and cybersecurity sectors to stay diligent with anti-virus/malware protection and software patches. A little preventative maintenance can go a long way!
However, what shocked me most was the drastic rise in reported fraud, from 2450 to a whopping 8638 in a single month. It’s tough to say if this increase is due to better reporting methods or just a plain uptick in criminal activity. Either way, it’s definitely something worth following closely.
And there you have it. Cyber threats can seem daunting, but by understanding the experiences of others, we can better brace ourselves. These numbers, while concerning, also remind us of the importance of continuous vigilance. After all, in our connected world, we’re only as secure as our weakest link.
Does your organization prioritize cybersecurity? Have you experienced an increase in threats recently? And how have these statistics from Vietnam influenced your approach? Hit me up and let’s get the conversation started!
by Morgan Phisher | HEAL Security