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DataBreaches.Net: Philippine Commission on Audit highlights shortage of data privacy officers despite existing law

Alright my friend, buckle up because I’ve got a bit of a tale to tell. Pull up a chair, grab a cuppa if you like. You see, I recently stumbled upon an interesting piece of information that you in the healthcare and cybersecurity sectors might find interesting. You know how we always stress the importance of proper data privacy, right? Well, well, a wee bit of confusion and commotion has risen regarding our fine friends at the National Privacy Commission (NPC).

Apparently, the Commission on Audit (COA) has raised an eyebrow at the NPC, grumbling about their ‘inadequate’ efforts to spread the word about data privacy. Now wouldn’t you think it’s a bit bonkers given data privacy is their bread and butter?

Now here are a few numbers to chew on: Picture this, we have over 2,000 government agencies, right? But, would you believe that in 2023, a meagre 164 of them registered their Data Privacy Officers (DPOs)? That’s only 7.7%! The number makes your jaw drop a tad, doesn’t it? Even though it’s as crystal clear as day that under the law, it’s strictly mandatory.

Now, let’s take a wee step back and examine what’s happening on the other side of the river, the private sector. Regrettably, the numbers paint an equally cloudy picture. There’s a pattern here and it’s not the sort we’d fancy, what with the times we live in, where the digital realm reigns supreme.

Amid these rising challenges, data privacy couldn’t be more crucial. And we’re not speaking about playing, are we? Data mishandling could backfire and put one in a right pickle. So, it’s eyebrow-raising indeed that there’s such a lacklustre compliance with registering data protection officers and systems. It’s like racing down the highway without a seatbelt, it’s just not done.

Now, rumours fly and some would argue – what’s with all this hullabaloo about data privacy? Surely, the NPC has been doing their job, haven’t they? As one would say, that’s where the plot thickens. The crux of the matter is the COA’s grumble about the NPC is rooted in the latter’s failure to spread awareness effectively. And knowing how the NPC works, we can all agree that there is definitely room to brush up and step up their game.

So, at the end of the day, both the healthcare and cybersecurity sectors need to pull their socks up and ensure they’ve got their DPS and DPOs in place. It’s not just about ticking a box, it’s about protecting our patients, clients and our reputation – the digital world can be a wee bit slippery and it’s vital we tread smartly and securely.

So, my mate, that’s the lowdown on the bit of a kerfuffle happening within the realms of data privacy here. My advice? Keep your wits about you, follow the rules, safeguard your data, and stay brilliant.

by Parker Bytes

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